This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of WADDINGTON. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Edmund 1849-07-04 1911-08-09 SUMMERS, Eleanor  
Edmund James 1871-11-18   WADDINGTON, Edmund SUMMERS, Eleanor
Elizabeth 1874-06-20 1953-09-27 WISE, Henry, WISE, Henry WADDINGTON, Edmund SUMMERS, Eleanor
Emma Grace 1879-05-12 1938-05-24 WADDINGTON, Edmund SUMMERS, Eleanor
Jane 1852 1923-08-06 SUMMERS, George  
Jane Amelia Maria 1876-09-22 1943-01-18 PETTIT, Thomas John Alexander McLeod WADDINGTON, Edmund SUMMERS, Eleanor
William Henry 1871-11-18 1872-01-17 WADDINGTON, Edmund SUMMERS, Eleanor
William Thomas 1884-04-30 1957-04-06 KING, Eva Elvie WADDINGTON, Edmund SUMMERS, Eleanor